All posts by Sue Britton

Volunteering Update

Many thanks to those who attended our second Volunteer Day on 15th March.  Although we managed to achieve our main objective, the removal of the brash from the coppiced area next to Glan Aber Tennis Club, it was clear that this activity involved far too much heavy lifting for our volunteer workforce.  Accordingly, we have had some discussions with our Park Development Officer, Andy James, and the FoWP committee and we have agreed that we need to better target the use of our volunteer resources in the future.  For example, we might look to set up our next Volunteer Day for tidying the flowerbeds at the back of the car park and in front of the cafe.  This activity is much more in line with our successful inaugural Volunteer Day when we tidied up the Lache Lane and Cliveden Road entrances.

If you have any ideas or questions on volunteering, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards, Steve Telford (Chairman, FoWP)

Volunteer Day

Many thanks to all the helpers who turned up for our FoWP Volunteer Day on 13 January and put in a tremendous amount of effort. There were 40+ volunteers in attendance during the 3 hour period and a lot was achieved including the clean-up of the Lache Lane and Cliveden Road entrances, removal of the nettles within the young children’s play area, clearing of the pathways next to the play area and the fence which protects the young children’s football pitches, and planting of a large number of daffodil bulbs. As a result of this tremendous response we shall be planning a further Volunteer Day later in the spring.

FoWP December Update

In the last newsletter I mentioned that there were increasing comments and complaints about a noticeable decline in standards of upkeep in Westminster Park with grassed areas being cut less frequently and looking untidy, weeds spreading across paths, the children’s play area and BMX track, and damage from vandalism. We have been discussing these issues with Council officers who recognise that standards have declined this year but are under increasing pressure from constraints on public spending. They have undertaken to clarify and define standards and implement them more rigorously next year. Some damage from vandalism has been repaired and there were also a couple of volunteer events late in the season to catch up on a backlog of work. However, financial constraints are unlikely to be relaxed and a greater contribution is going to be needed from local volunteers to uphold standards in the future. All of us greatly value the park and its facilities so if you are able to contribute some of your time to help with tidying the park, do please get in touch with our secretary, Sue Britton, at .

We have also been discussing improved preventative and security measures against incursions by travellers and vandalism. One possibility has been installing a height restriction barrier but a traffic survey has shown that a large number of taller vehicles come to the park entirely legitimately. In addition to the inconvenience caused, a barrier could result in detering visitors or unwanted parking in front of houses on adjacent roads. Other possibilities include reinstating CCTV cameras, installing internal barriers to prevent vehicle access to the sports pitches, and closing the park gates at night. These are still being considered.

Refurbishment of the changing room area in the central café block is still in hand and, with no additional funding available, the Council is seeking to establish working arrangements with potential user groups to look after opening and closing, regular cleaning and replenishment of supplies.

On the positive side, the café now being managed by Golfstorehouse has been offering a much improved range of food and refreshments and is being used by an increasing number of visitors to the park and groups including mother and toddler, Scrabble and ukulele. We have also been most grateful to receive the donation of another seat in the park making a total of four this year in addition to two picnic benches last year. And once again, the wide variety of trees in the park have been showing their delightful autumn colours. 

David Guyton

FoWP September Update

Despite rather mixed weather, Westminster Park has been a hive of activity during the summer months. Local residents and visitors have been making good use of the wide range of sporting and recreation facilities. Clubs and sports groups that meet in the park have all had full programmes of games, league matches, training and coaching, and the children’s play area and BMX track have been busy throughout the holiday period. Even on grey, damp days, there are always hardy dog walkers and exercise enthusiasts to be seen. And everyone has welcomed the improved range of food and beverages at the café.

In July there was a national Love Parks Week to celebrate public open spaces and recreation areas. As its contribution to the event, the Council sent out members of its Green Space team to local parks with special heart-shaped notice boards for park users to write their own personal message “I love my park because … ” The team happened to visit Westminster Park when a weekly croquet session was in full swing. Mustering all their literary skills, the players gladly obliged and were duly photographed displaying their completed heart-shaped notice boards.

Following unauthorised incursions by travellers last year and again earlier this year, a height barrier and other preventative measures are being considered by the Council and we are waiting to hear the outcome. The Council has also initiated a project to renovate the changing room area in the central café block but as yet there is no information as to when completion is expected and how it will operate.

In response to incidents of vandalism and anti-social behaviour, park users will have noticed increased patrols by our local police, PCSO and community safety wardens.

Looking ahead, the main challenge is how the attractiveness and standards of the park can be maintained in a context of ever tightening constraints on Council spending. There has been an increasing number of comments and complaints about falling standards of upkeep: grassed areas being cut less frequently, nettles and other weeds spreading across paths, the children’s play area and the BMX track, and maintenance and repairs taking a long time or not being done. Greater community involvement by volunteers may be a way forward but volunteers will undoubtedly want a say in how the park is managed.

David Guyton
Friends of Westminster Park

FoWP June Update

Thanks to two bulb-planting working parties last autumn, daffodils contributed by our local councillors provided a delightful splash of spring colour in the grassed area at the end of the car park, along the vehicle entrance to the café block, and around the civic sculpture next to the children’s play area. Previous bulb plantings along the perimeter path overlooking the football pitches, the spring bedding plants at the Hough Green entrance and in the flowerbed in front of the café, and the wide variety of trees coming into leaf  also added to the attractiveness of the park as summer approached.
After raising funds last year for more public seating, it is pleasing to report that three new park benches have been installed at intervals along the perimeter path so that more people, particularly those with mobility limitations and young children, can pause and enjoy the scenery and sports activities. One of the seats was kindly donated by a local resident and we have received additional offers of donations. Further donations would be greatly welcomed and the Friends of Westminster Park will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements.
In response to strong interest by several sports and exercise groups, the Friends and Golfstorehouse have been active in advocating the restoration of the changing rooms in the café block and a Council renovation project is now under way. When the project is complete, effective arrangements for bookings and day to day management will be needed to ensure that the facilities are properly supervised and kept good condition. We are looking to work with the Council and park users to achieve this.
For the second time in nine months there was another unauthorised encampment by travellers in April. This was dealt with promptly and efficiently by the Council and Police and, because of the particular circumstances on this occasion, it was possible to achieve eviction within a day without the need to obtain court orders. Coming so soon after the previous incident last July has reinforced questions about the case for preventative measures and further discussions are being sought with the Council.
Although fortunately not a serious problem, there has also been a disappointing increase in vandalism, litter and anti-social behaviour in recent months. If anyone witnesses or becomes aware of such incidents please report them to our new PSCO Lauren Davies at lauren.davies@cheshire.pnn.police.ukor by calling 101. And please help to keep the park clean and tidy for everyone’s enjoyment by depositing litter and dog waste in the bins provded. 
Summer’s here so make the most of the park! 
David Guyton
Friends of Westminster Park 


Following my previous report about another unauthorised encampment by travellers in Westminster Park, I am pleased to say that they departed earlier this afternoon, Friday, 7 April.

This was achieved as a result of commendably prompt and efficient action by the Gypsy and Traveller Team at Cheshire West and Chester Council and the Police. The travellers were known to the Police and notice was able to be served rapidly because of previous transgressions and restrictions. Local residents and park users are very grateful for this speedy response and comments from Council staff that more permanent protective measures will be considered again in the light of this latest incursion.

David Guyton

Friends of Westminster Park


I am sorry to report another unauthorised encampment by travellers in Westminster Park yesterday evening, 6 April, this time comprising three vehicles and two caravans which are parked in front of the café block. The council and police were informed straightaway and they are now dealing with the matter. As trespass is a civil rather than a criminal issue, the council will be seeking court authorisation for eviction as soon as possible.

Coming only nine months after the previous incident, renewed questions are already being asked by local residents and park users as to whether more permanent protective measures are appropriate such as access barriers or a permanent injunction.

David Guyton

Friends of Westminster Park

December Working Party

Following a succesful bulb-planting working party in November, another working party was organised in December. This time, we were pleased to be joined by an enthusiastic group of children from Belgrave Primary School and their teachers. The planting was filmed by publicity staff from Cheshire West and Chester Council and the video was shown at a Council event in January to record appreciation for the contribution of volunteers in local communities across the county. We can now look forward to a splendid display of daffodils in the spring between the car park and café block and around the sculpture next to the children’s play area. Thank you to everyone who took part in both plantings.

Dec group photo

In response to requests for more public seating around the park, particularly for people with mobility difficulties and families with young children, three new park seats have been ordered and are now installed in time for the longer days and better weather in the spring. We are most grateful to a local resident who has donated one of the seats and to our local councillors for contributing towards the cost from their members’ budgets. If any other residents would like to donate a seat or picnic table, we would be delighted to make the arrangements.

Several sports and exercise groups in Westminster Park have expressed their desire for the changing rooms in the café block to be refurbished and brought back into use. Possibilities for doing so are being examined by the Council, Golfstorehouse as operator of the golf course and cafe, and the Friends. Everyone is aware of the financial constraints affecting all public services and the challenge is to find a workable way forward.
David Guyton
Friends of Westminster Park